Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Baking Essentials

The Untitled #3

Hey Everyone!!

I'm back with another post. Yay! I'm trying to get more consistent with blogging. I truly enjoy it but wish I had more time to dedicate to it. One day fingers cross! 
Today,- I have some essentials you need to start baking. If you don't know how to bake and you need starter kit, here is a listen below what you should need. 

Baking Essentials

The most important thing you must have is some sort of mixer.  Now, in my opinion the best is a kitchen aid mixer. It comes with a whisk, paddle, and a dough hook attachment.  This are quite expensive, at $300, but you could probably find them used. That's how I found my first one. You could also just get a hand held mixer which could run you about $20.

Next, you need to have some measuring utensils. Accurate measuring is so important in baking. If you are off what ever you are making will not come out the way you want. You need a measuring cup like the picture above to measure out liquids and individual cups to me assure out your dry ingredients. Measuring spoons will come in handy to measure out salt, baking soda, baking powder etc. Lastly, I like to always have a scale. You will find some recipes that are in grams or ounces and the scale helps make it very easy. I tend to us my scale more because it's more accurate and it's easier to bake with recipes were you can measure everything with one tool. 

With so many options in bakeware it's hard to figure out just the basics. I believe to start out you should have 2-8" pans, 1 cupcake pan, 1 cookie sheet, and bundt pan. If you plan on making a lot of pies invest in a good pie pan. Now you can make cakes, cookies, brownies etc. 

 Lastly, you will need some utensils. A rubber spatula and a whisk is about all you need. You can us each of these in multiple ways. 

Well that's all for today and I hope it helps you to get started with baking. 

Nordic Ware bundt cake pan

Bone china

Cotton pot holder

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